From Formal to Crush Party, Tri Delta at Transy hosts multiple social events that never disappoint. With a wide array of themes, our sisters take part in four calendared functions a year. Dressing up in their best “barn attire” each fall, members get excited for one of their favorite events: Barn Dance. This annually themed informal is a fun tradition we have continued for years; a tradition that never gets old.
It’s the perfect end to first semester and Formal is the perfect start to second semester. While wearing heals and dresses may not be as comfortable as cow boy boots and flannels, Formal is another equally fun tradition hosted each winter by Beta Zeta. But with Spring Informal and Crush Party, we keep functions exciting and new. Themes ranging from Delta Glo and Delta Draft make Informal and Crush party the perfect way to celebrate the end of the traditional school year and May Term’s approach. Current sisters and alumnus would agree that these four functions are not only a great way for Tri Delta to come together, but that they create some of the best memories made while attending Transylvania University.